Curriculum Vitae
The Medieval Constitution of Liberty: Political Foundations of Liberalism in the West. University of Michigan Press, August 2023 (with Andrew Young)
The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Good. Catholic University of America Press, June 2023
Money and the Rule of Law: Generality and Predictability in Monetary Institutions. Cambridge University Press, May 2021 (with Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith)
The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Good. Catholic University of America Press, June 2023
Money and the Rule of Law: Generality and Predictability in Monetary Institutions. Cambridge University Press, May 2021 (with Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith)
Journal Articles
"Mission Creep at the Federal Reserve." Southern Economic Journal, forthcoming (with Louis Rouanet)
"Rationally Revealing Religion: In Defense of Ekelund and Tollison on Method." Public Choice 201(1-2) 2024: 27-38
"What, to the Christian, Is Economic Efficiency?" Faith & Economics 82(1) 2024: 91-116
"The Need for a Price Theory Revival." Journal of Private Enterprise 39(1) 2024: 11-45 (with Bryan Cutsinger)
"What LawMicro Has to Teach LawMacro: An Exploration of the Rule of Law and Monetary Policy." Journal of Contextual Economics 142(3) 2024 [2022] (with Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith)
"Wealth and Commerce in Eastern Christian Thought." Journal of Markets and Morality 26(1) 2023: 105-125 (with Wilson Whitener)
"Lessons from Dollarization in Latin America in the 21st Century." Economist's Voice 2023 (with Nicolas Cachanosky and Emilio Ocampo)
"Monepiscopacy: A Rational Choice Account." Journal of Economics, Management, and Religion 3(2) 2023 (with Wilson Whitener)
"Can Dollarization Constrain a Populist Leader?" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 200(1) 2022: 430-442 (with Nicolas Cachanosky and Ignacio Savanti)
"Evolution, Uncertainty, and the Asymptotic Efficiency of Policy." Public Choice 192(1-2) 2022: 169-188 (with Brian Albrecht and Joshua Hendrickson)
"The Federal Reserve's Response to the COVID-19 Contraction: An Initial Appraisal." Southern Economic Journal 87(4) 2021: 1152-1174 (with Nicolas Cachanosky, Bryan Cutsinger, Thomas Hogan, and William Luther)
"The Fundamental Coase of Development: Property Rights Foundations of the Effective State." Journal of Institutional Economics 17(1) 2021: 37-52 (with Ennio Piano)
"Constitutionalism, Liberalism, and Political Entrepreneurship." Advances in Austrian Economics 25 2020: 173-189
"Malignant Monetary Monocentricity." Independent Review 25(2) 2020.
"Ideologies, Institutions, and Interests: Why Ideas Don't Compete on a Level Playing Field." Independent Review 25(1) 2020: 63-78 (with Justin Callais)
"State Capacity and Economic Development: Causal Mechanism or Correlative Filter?" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 170 (1) 2020: 372-385 (with Vincent Geloso)
"Options to the Realm: A Cost Neutral Proposal to Improve Political Incentives." Contemporary Economic Policy 38(3) 2020: 515-529 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"The Super-Alertness of Central Banks." Review of Austrian Economics 33(1-2) 2020: 187-200 (with Nicolas Cachanosky)
"Private Prerogative, Public Purpose: Public Entrepreneurship and Management in Frederick the Great's Anti-Machiavel." Journal of Private Enterprise 35(1) 2020: 1-28
"A Theory of Self-Governance: De Facto Constitutions as Filters." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 34(2) 2019: 127-147 (with Justin Callais)
"Rawlsian Originalism." Jurisprudence 10(3) 2019: 334-353 (with Brian Kogelmann)
"Settling the Final Frontier: The ORBIS Lease and the Possibilities of Proprietary Communities in Space." Journal of Air Law and Commerce 84(1) 2019: 85-116
"Governing the Banking System: An Assessment of Resilience Based on Elinor Ostrom's Design Principles." Journal of Institutional Economics 15(3) 2019: 505-519 (with Vlad Tarko)
Mathematical appendix available here.
Finalist, Elinor Ostrom Prize 2020, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research
"Expectations and NGDP Targeting: Supply-Side Problems with Demand-Side Policy." Journal of Private Enterprise 34(3): 89-106 (with Thomas Hogan)
"Constitutional Catallaxy: Friends and Enemies in an Open-Ended Social Order." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 34(1) 2019: 83-94 (with Richard Wagner)
"Adaptation and Central Banking." Public Choice 180(3-4) 2019: 243-256 (with William Luther)
"Polycentric Sovereignty: The Medieval Constitution, Governance Quality, and the Wealth of Nations." Social Science Quarterly 100(4) 2019: 1241-1253 (with Andrew Young)
"The Other Space Race: Some Law and Economics of Celestial Resource Appropriation." Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 47(1) 2018: 1-20
"The Constitution of Economic Expertise: Social Science in the Public Square, Past and Present." Christian Libertarian Review 2 2019: 52-88
"Political Economists or Political Economists? The Role of Political Environments in the Formation of Fed Policy Under Burns, Greenspan, and Bernanke." Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 71 2019: 1-13 (with Daniel Smith)
"Sovereign Entrepreneurship." Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 7(4) 2018: 411-427
"Institutional Resilience in Banking Systems." Libertas: Segunda Época 3(2) 2018: 59-68
"Would a Free Banking System Stabilize NGDP Growth?" Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 70 2018: 21-25 (with Andrew Young)
"A Theory of Self-Enforcing Monetary Constitutions with Reference to the Suffolk System, 1825-1858." (with Andrew Young)
1825-1858." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 156 2018: 13-22 (with Andrew Young)
"Preventing Plunder: National Defense, Capital Taxation, and Economic Development." Journal of Macroeconomics 58 2018: 154-173 (with Joshua Hendrickson and Brian Albrecht)
"Political Entrepreneurship, Emergent Dynamics, and Constitutional Politics." Review of Social Economy 76(3) 2018: 281-301 (with Richard Wagner)
"Money as Meta-Rule: Buchanan's Constitutional Economics as a Foundation for Monetary Stability." Public Choice 176(3) 2018: 529-555 (with Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith)
"Going Beyond Monetary Constitutions: The Congruence of Money and Finance." Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 69(3) 2018: 22-28 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"Medieval Representative Assemblies: Collective Action and Antecedents of Limited Government." Constitutional Political Economy 29(2) 2018: 171-192 (with Andrew Young)
"Emergent Politics and Constitutional Drift: The Fragility of Procedural Liberalism." Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 7(1) 2018: 34-50 (with Glenn Furton)
"Dead Ends and Living Currents: Distributism as a Progressive Research Program." Christian Libertarian Review 1(1) 2018: 118-139 (with Gene Callahan)
"Money and the Rule of Law." Review of Austrian Economics 30(4) 2017: 517-532 (with Glenn Furton)
"Bitcoin and the Bailout." Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 66(4) 2017: 50-56 (with William Luther)
"Private Governance and the Pricing of Political Enterprises." Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis 12(1) 2017. Lead article (with Glenn Furton)
"Ordering the Cosmos: Private Law and Celestial Property Rights." Journal of Air Law and Commerce 82(2) 2017: 311-322
"The View from Vienna: An Analysis of the Renewed Interest in the Mises-Hayek Theory of the Business Cycle." Review of Austrian Economics 30(2) 2017: 169-192 (with Nicolas Cachanosky)
"What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Knowledge Problems in Monetary Policy." Contemporary Economic Policy 35(3) 2017: 505-517 (with Daniel Smith)
"Polycentric Banking and Macroeconomic Stability." Business and Politics 19(2) 2017: 365-395 (with Vlad Tarko)
"Constitutional Drift and Political Dysfunction: Underappreciated Maladies of the Political Commons." Independent Review 21(4) 2017: 569-585
“Extended Shareholder Liability as a Means to Constrain Moral Hazard in Insured Banks.” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 63 2017: 153-160 (with Vipin Veetil and Lawrence White)
Reprinted as “Reducing Banks’ Incentives for Risk-Taking via Extended Shareholder Liability,” in Prosperity Unleashed: Smarter Financial Regulation, N. Michels, ed., pp. 295-303. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation
"Strategic Offsetting Behavior in the NBA: The Case of the Mikan Rule." Journal of Sports Economics 18(2) 2017: 126-139
"Playing at Markets: A New Austrian Perspective on Macroeconomic Policy." Review of Austrian Economics 30(1) 2017: 39-49
"The Personal and the Political: Implications of Constitutional Entrepreneurship." NYU Journal of Law and Liberty 10(2) 2017: 587-607
"Political Property Rights and Governance Outcomes: A Theory of the Corporate Polity." Journal of Private Enterprise 31(4) 2016: 1-20
"Some Political Economy of Monetary Rules." Independent Review 21(3) 2016: 443-464
"Money, Liquidity, and the Structure of Production." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 73 2016: 314-328 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"Post-Cameralist Governance: Towards a Robust Political Economy of Bureaucracy." Economic Affairs 36(3) 2016: 294-308
"A Theory of Why the Ruthless Revolt." Economics and Politics 28(3) 2016: 295-316 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"The Optimal Austrian Business Cycle Theory." Advances in Austrian Economics 20 2016: 45-60 (with William Luther)
“Robust Political Economy and the Lender of Last Resort.” Journal of Financial Services Research 50(1) 2016: 1-27
"Space Debris: A Law and Economics Analysis of the Orbital Commons." Stanford Technology Law Review 19(2) 2016: 221-238
“Endogenous Currency Formation in an Online Environment: The Case of Diablo II.” Review of Austrian Economics 29(1) 2016: 53-66 (with Solomon Stein)
"Rights to the Realm: Reconsidering Western Political Development." American Political Science Review 109(4) 2015: 725-734
"Sovereignty as Exchange of Political Property Rights." Public Choice 165(1) 2015: 79-96
"Calculating Bandits: Quasi-Corporate Governance and Institutional Selection in Autocracies." Advances in Austrian Economics 19 2015: 193-213 (with Abigail Hall)
"Calhoun's Concurrent Majority as a Generality Norm." Constitutional Political Economy 26(3) 2015: 375-390
"A Monarchical Perspective on Constitutional Governance: H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein and The State in the Third Millennium." Journal of Private Enterprise 30(1) 2015: 121-130
“Currency Emergence in Absence of State Influence: The Case of Diablo II.” Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization 2(2) 2015: Article 3 (with Solomon Stein)
"Ben Bernanke and Bagehot's Rules." Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 47(2-3) 2015: 333-348 (with Thomas Hogan and Linh Le)
“Tullock’s Challenge: A Reconsideration of Constitutional Monarchy.” Procesos de Mercado: Revista Europea de Economía Política 11(2) 2014: 51-81 (with David Hebert)
“Synthesizing State and Spontaneous Order Theories of Money.” Advances in Austrian Economics 18 2014: 161-178 (with William Luther)
"Debt Erosion and the Market Process." Economic Affairs 34(3) 2014: 370-378
Vernon Smith Prize 2013 (1st place), European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation
"Celestial Anarchy: A Threat to Outer Space Commerce?" Cato Journal 34(3) 2014: 581-596 (with Peter Leeson)
"A Theory of the Dynamics of Entangled Political Economy with Application to the Federal Reserve." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 30(1-3) 2012 [2014]: 77-102
“Is There a Self-Enforcing Monetary Constitution?” Constitutional Political Economy 25(3) 2014: 280-300
Prize for Best Paper in Austrian Economics 2014, Foundation for Economic Education
"James Buchanan and Contractarian Anarchy." Journal of Prices and Markets 2(2) 2014: 48-58
"The Imprudence of Macroprudential Policy." Independent Review 19(1) 2014: 5-18 (lead article)
“Not All NGDP is Created Equal: A Critique of Market Monetarism.” Journal of Private Enterprise 29(1) 2013: 41-52
2013 Journal of Private Enterprise Best Paper Award, Association of Private Enterprise Education
“Aggregates and Methodological Individualism: A Relational Approach.” New Perspectives on Political Economy 9(1) 2013: 5-23
“Monetary Equilibrium and Price Stickiness Reconsidered: A Reply to Bagus and Howden.” Review of Austrian Economics 25(3) 2012: 263-269 (with William Luther)
“Christian Anarchism: Communitarian or Capitalist?” Libertarian Papers 4(1) 2012: 151-162
"Rationally Revealing Religion: In Defense of Ekelund and Tollison on Method." Public Choice 201(1-2) 2024: 27-38
"What, to the Christian, Is Economic Efficiency?" Faith & Economics 82(1) 2024: 91-116
"The Need for a Price Theory Revival." Journal of Private Enterprise 39(1) 2024: 11-45 (with Bryan Cutsinger)
"What LawMicro Has to Teach LawMacro: An Exploration of the Rule of Law and Monetary Policy." Journal of Contextual Economics 142(3) 2024 [2022] (with Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith)
"Wealth and Commerce in Eastern Christian Thought." Journal of Markets and Morality 26(1) 2023: 105-125 (with Wilson Whitener)
"Lessons from Dollarization in Latin America in the 21st Century." Economist's Voice 2023 (with Nicolas Cachanosky and Emilio Ocampo)
"Monepiscopacy: A Rational Choice Account." Journal of Economics, Management, and Religion 3(2) 2023 (with Wilson Whitener)
"Can Dollarization Constrain a Populist Leader?" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 200(1) 2022: 430-442 (with Nicolas Cachanosky and Ignacio Savanti)
"Evolution, Uncertainty, and the Asymptotic Efficiency of Policy." Public Choice 192(1-2) 2022: 169-188 (with Brian Albrecht and Joshua Hendrickson)
"The Federal Reserve's Response to the COVID-19 Contraction: An Initial Appraisal." Southern Economic Journal 87(4) 2021: 1152-1174 (with Nicolas Cachanosky, Bryan Cutsinger, Thomas Hogan, and William Luther)
"The Fundamental Coase of Development: Property Rights Foundations of the Effective State." Journal of Institutional Economics 17(1) 2021: 37-52 (with Ennio Piano)
"Constitutionalism, Liberalism, and Political Entrepreneurship." Advances in Austrian Economics 25 2020: 173-189
"Malignant Monetary Monocentricity." Independent Review 25(2) 2020.
"Ideologies, Institutions, and Interests: Why Ideas Don't Compete on a Level Playing Field." Independent Review 25(1) 2020: 63-78 (with Justin Callais)
"State Capacity and Economic Development: Causal Mechanism or Correlative Filter?" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 170 (1) 2020: 372-385 (with Vincent Geloso)
"Options to the Realm: A Cost Neutral Proposal to Improve Political Incentives." Contemporary Economic Policy 38(3) 2020: 515-529 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"The Super-Alertness of Central Banks." Review of Austrian Economics 33(1-2) 2020: 187-200 (with Nicolas Cachanosky)
"Private Prerogative, Public Purpose: Public Entrepreneurship and Management in Frederick the Great's Anti-Machiavel." Journal of Private Enterprise 35(1) 2020: 1-28
"A Theory of Self-Governance: De Facto Constitutions as Filters." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 34(2) 2019: 127-147 (with Justin Callais)
"Rawlsian Originalism." Jurisprudence 10(3) 2019: 334-353 (with Brian Kogelmann)
"Settling the Final Frontier: The ORBIS Lease and the Possibilities of Proprietary Communities in Space." Journal of Air Law and Commerce 84(1) 2019: 85-116
"Governing the Banking System: An Assessment of Resilience Based on Elinor Ostrom's Design Principles." Journal of Institutional Economics 15(3) 2019: 505-519 (with Vlad Tarko)
Mathematical appendix available here.
Finalist, Elinor Ostrom Prize 2020, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research
"Expectations and NGDP Targeting: Supply-Side Problems with Demand-Side Policy." Journal of Private Enterprise 34(3): 89-106 (with Thomas Hogan)
"Constitutional Catallaxy: Friends and Enemies in an Open-Ended Social Order." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 34(1) 2019: 83-94 (with Richard Wagner)
"Adaptation and Central Banking." Public Choice 180(3-4) 2019: 243-256 (with William Luther)
"Polycentric Sovereignty: The Medieval Constitution, Governance Quality, and the Wealth of Nations." Social Science Quarterly 100(4) 2019: 1241-1253 (with Andrew Young)
"The Other Space Race: Some Law and Economics of Celestial Resource Appropriation." Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 47(1) 2018: 1-20
"The Constitution of Economic Expertise: Social Science in the Public Square, Past and Present." Christian Libertarian Review 2 2019: 52-88
"Political Economists or Political Economists? The Role of Political Environments in the Formation of Fed Policy Under Burns, Greenspan, and Bernanke." Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 71 2019: 1-13 (with Daniel Smith)
"Sovereign Entrepreneurship." Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 7(4) 2018: 411-427
"Institutional Resilience in Banking Systems." Libertas: Segunda Época 3(2) 2018: 59-68
"Would a Free Banking System Stabilize NGDP Growth?" Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 70 2018: 21-25 (with Andrew Young)
"A Theory of Self-Enforcing Monetary Constitutions with Reference to the Suffolk System, 1825-1858." (with Andrew Young)
1825-1858." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 156 2018: 13-22 (with Andrew Young)
"Preventing Plunder: National Defense, Capital Taxation, and Economic Development." Journal of Macroeconomics 58 2018: 154-173 (with Joshua Hendrickson and Brian Albrecht)
"Political Entrepreneurship, Emergent Dynamics, and Constitutional Politics." Review of Social Economy 76(3) 2018: 281-301 (with Richard Wagner)
"Money as Meta-Rule: Buchanan's Constitutional Economics as a Foundation for Monetary Stability." Public Choice 176(3) 2018: 529-555 (with Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith)
"Going Beyond Monetary Constitutions: The Congruence of Money and Finance." Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 69(3) 2018: 22-28 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"Medieval Representative Assemblies: Collective Action and Antecedents of Limited Government." Constitutional Political Economy 29(2) 2018: 171-192 (with Andrew Young)
"Emergent Politics and Constitutional Drift: The Fragility of Procedural Liberalism." Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 7(1) 2018: 34-50 (with Glenn Furton)
"Dead Ends and Living Currents: Distributism as a Progressive Research Program." Christian Libertarian Review 1(1) 2018: 118-139 (with Gene Callahan)
"Money and the Rule of Law." Review of Austrian Economics 30(4) 2017: 517-532 (with Glenn Furton)
"Bitcoin and the Bailout." Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 66(4) 2017: 50-56 (with William Luther)
"Private Governance and the Pricing of Political Enterprises." Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis 12(1) 2017. Lead article (with Glenn Furton)
"Ordering the Cosmos: Private Law and Celestial Property Rights." Journal of Air Law and Commerce 82(2) 2017: 311-322
"The View from Vienna: An Analysis of the Renewed Interest in the Mises-Hayek Theory of the Business Cycle." Review of Austrian Economics 30(2) 2017: 169-192 (with Nicolas Cachanosky)
"What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Knowledge Problems in Monetary Policy." Contemporary Economic Policy 35(3) 2017: 505-517 (with Daniel Smith)
"Polycentric Banking and Macroeconomic Stability." Business and Politics 19(2) 2017: 365-395 (with Vlad Tarko)
"Constitutional Drift and Political Dysfunction: Underappreciated Maladies of the Political Commons." Independent Review 21(4) 2017: 569-585
“Extended Shareholder Liability as a Means to Constrain Moral Hazard in Insured Banks.” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 63 2017: 153-160 (with Vipin Veetil and Lawrence White)
Reprinted as “Reducing Banks’ Incentives for Risk-Taking via Extended Shareholder Liability,” in Prosperity Unleashed: Smarter Financial Regulation, N. Michels, ed., pp. 295-303. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation
"Strategic Offsetting Behavior in the NBA: The Case of the Mikan Rule." Journal of Sports Economics 18(2) 2017: 126-139
"Playing at Markets: A New Austrian Perspective on Macroeconomic Policy." Review of Austrian Economics 30(1) 2017: 39-49
"The Personal and the Political: Implications of Constitutional Entrepreneurship." NYU Journal of Law and Liberty 10(2) 2017: 587-607
"Political Property Rights and Governance Outcomes: A Theory of the Corporate Polity." Journal of Private Enterprise 31(4) 2016: 1-20
"Some Political Economy of Monetary Rules." Independent Review 21(3) 2016: 443-464
"Money, Liquidity, and the Structure of Production." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 73 2016: 314-328 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"Post-Cameralist Governance: Towards a Robust Political Economy of Bureaucracy." Economic Affairs 36(3) 2016: 294-308
"A Theory of Why the Ruthless Revolt." Economics and Politics 28(3) 2016: 295-316 (with Joshua Hendrickson)
"The Optimal Austrian Business Cycle Theory." Advances in Austrian Economics 20 2016: 45-60 (with William Luther)
“Robust Political Economy and the Lender of Last Resort.” Journal of Financial Services Research 50(1) 2016: 1-27
"Space Debris: A Law and Economics Analysis of the Orbital Commons." Stanford Technology Law Review 19(2) 2016: 221-238
“Endogenous Currency Formation in an Online Environment: The Case of Diablo II.” Review of Austrian Economics 29(1) 2016: 53-66 (with Solomon Stein)
"Rights to the Realm: Reconsidering Western Political Development." American Political Science Review 109(4) 2015: 725-734
"Sovereignty as Exchange of Political Property Rights." Public Choice 165(1) 2015: 79-96
"Calculating Bandits: Quasi-Corporate Governance and Institutional Selection in Autocracies." Advances in Austrian Economics 19 2015: 193-213 (with Abigail Hall)
"Calhoun's Concurrent Majority as a Generality Norm." Constitutional Political Economy 26(3) 2015: 375-390
"A Monarchical Perspective on Constitutional Governance: H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein and The State in the Third Millennium." Journal of Private Enterprise 30(1) 2015: 121-130
“Currency Emergence in Absence of State Influence: The Case of Diablo II.” Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization 2(2) 2015: Article 3 (with Solomon Stein)
"Ben Bernanke and Bagehot's Rules." Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 47(2-3) 2015: 333-348 (with Thomas Hogan and Linh Le)
“Tullock’s Challenge: A Reconsideration of Constitutional Monarchy.” Procesos de Mercado: Revista Europea de Economía Política 11(2) 2014: 51-81 (with David Hebert)
“Synthesizing State and Spontaneous Order Theories of Money.” Advances in Austrian Economics 18 2014: 161-178 (with William Luther)
"Debt Erosion and the Market Process." Economic Affairs 34(3) 2014: 370-378
Vernon Smith Prize 2013 (1st place), European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation
"Celestial Anarchy: A Threat to Outer Space Commerce?" Cato Journal 34(3) 2014: 581-596 (with Peter Leeson)
"A Theory of the Dynamics of Entangled Political Economy with Application to the Federal Reserve." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 30(1-3) 2012 [2014]: 77-102
“Is There a Self-Enforcing Monetary Constitution?” Constitutional Political Economy 25(3) 2014: 280-300
Prize for Best Paper in Austrian Economics 2014, Foundation for Economic Education
"James Buchanan and Contractarian Anarchy." Journal of Prices and Markets 2(2) 2014: 48-58
"The Imprudence of Macroprudential Policy." Independent Review 19(1) 2014: 5-18 (lead article)
“Not All NGDP is Created Equal: A Critique of Market Monetarism.” Journal of Private Enterprise 29(1) 2013: 41-52
2013 Journal of Private Enterprise Best Paper Award, Association of Private Enterprise Education
“Aggregates and Methodological Individualism: A Relational Approach.” New Perspectives on Political Economy 9(1) 2013: 5-23
“Monetary Equilibrium and Price Stickiness Reconsidered: A Reply to Bagus and Howden.” Review of Austrian Economics 25(3) 2012: 263-269 (with William Luther)
“Christian Anarchism: Communitarian or Capitalist?” Libertarian Papers 4(1) 2012: 151-162
Contributions to Edited Volumes
"Classically Liberal Monetary Policy: Rules, not Discretion." In Routledge Handbook of Classical Liberalism, eds. Richard Epstein, Liya Palagashvili, and Mario Rizzo, forthcoming.
"Political Property Rights and Entangled Political Economy." In Emergence, Entanglement, and Political Economy (New York: Springer, 2021), eds. David Hebert and Diana Thomas, pp. 111-123
"Doing Liberal Political Economy: James M. Buchanan as Exemplar." In James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), ed. Richard E. Wagner, pp. 649-670 (with Glenn Furton)
"Political Property Rights and Entangled Political Economy." In Emergence, Entanglement, and Political Economy (New York: Springer, 2021), eds. David Hebert and Diana Thomas, pp. 111-123
"Doing Liberal Political Economy: James M. Buchanan as Exemplar." In James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), ed. Richard E. Wagner, pp. 649-670 (with Glenn Furton)
White Papers and Policy Briefs
"Free Enterprise and the Common Good: Economic Science and Political-Economic Art as Complements." Heritage Foundation First Principles No. 90, April 2023
Book Reviews
"Goldy Brown III and Christos Makridis (eds.), The Economics of Equity in K-12 Education: Connecting Financial Investments with Effective Programming." Journal of School Choice, forthcoming
"Jason Brennan and Phil Magness, Cracks in the Ivory Tower: The Moral Mess of Higher Education." Review of Austrian Economics 34(1) 2021: 161-171
"Mervyn K. Lewis and Ahmad Kaleem, Religion and Finance: Comparing the Approaches of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam." Journal of Markets and Morality 23(2) 2020: 416-420
"Mary Hirschfeld, Aquinas and the Market: Toward a Humane Economy." Christian Libertarian Review 3 2020: R6-R16
"Paul Dragos Aligica, Peter Boettke, and Vlad Tarko, Public Governance and the Classical-Liberal Perspective: Political Economy Foundations." Public Choice 183(1-2) 2020: 211-214
"James Halteman and Edd Noell, Reckoning with Markets: Moral Reflection in Economics." Christian Libertarian Review 2 2019: R25-R29
"Roger Koppl, Expert Failure." Public Choice 175(1-2) 2018: 215-217
"Richard M. Salsman, The Political Economy of Public Debt: Three Centuries of Theory and Evidence." Independent Review 22(4) 2018: 632-634
"Giuseppe Eusepi and Richard E. Wagner, Public Debt: An Illusion of Democratic Political Economy." Public Choice 174(3-4) 2018: 407-409
"Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan and Liberal Political Economy: A Rational Reconstruction." Public Choice 173(1-2) 2017: 241-243
"Leonidas Zelmanovitz, The Ontology and Function of Money: The Philosophical Fundamentals of Monetary Institutions." Review of Austrian Economics 30(3) 2017: 397-400
"Alexander MacDonald, The Long Space Age: The Economic Origins of Space Exploration from Colonial America to the Cold War."
"Jason Brennan, Against Democracy." Public Choice 170(1) 2016: 171-173
"Richard E. Wagner, Politics as a Peculiar Business: Insights from a Theory of Entangled Political Economy." Public Choice 167(3) 2016: 291-293
"John S. Lewis, Asteroid Mining 101: Wealth for the New Space Economy." Independent Review, 20(3) 2016: 458-459
"Peter J. Boettke and Christopher J. Coyne (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics." Public Choice 165(1) 2015: 165-167
"Richard H. Timberlake, Constitutional Money: A Review of the Supreme Court's Monetary Decisions." Independent Review 20(1) 2015: 144-147
“David Emanuel Andersson and Stefano Moroni (eds.), Cities and Private Planning: Property Rights, Entrepreneurship, and Transaction Costs.” Public Choice 162(3) 2015: 467-469
"Marcus Nunes and Benjamin Cole, Market Monetarism: Roadmap to Economic Prosperity." Review of Austrian Economics 28(1) 2015: 107-113
"Cheryl Shondhardt-Bailey, Deliberating American Monetary Policy: A Textual Analysis." Public Choice 160(1) 2014: 283-286
"Jason Brennan and Phil Magness, Cracks in the Ivory Tower: The Moral Mess of Higher Education." Review of Austrian Economics 34(1) 2021: 161-171
"Mervyn K. Lewis and Ahmad Kaleem, Religion and Finance: Comparing the Approaches of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam." Journal of Markets and Morality 23(2) 2020: 416-420
"Mary Hirschfeld, Aquinas and the Market: Toward a Humane Economy." Christian Libertarian Review 3 2020: R6-R16
"Paul Dragos Aligica, Peter Boettke, and Vlad Tarko, Public Governance and the Classical-Liberal Perspective: Political Economy Foundations." Public Choice 183(1-2) 2020: 211-214
"James Halteman and Edd Noell, Reckoning with Markets: Moral Reflection in Economics." Christian Libertarian Review 2 2019: R25-R29
"Roger Koppl, Expert Failure." Public Choice 175(1-2) 2018: 215-217
"Richard M. Salsman, The Political Economy of Public Debt: Three Centuries of Theory and Evidence." Independent Review 22(4) 2018: 632-634
"Giuseppe Eusepi and Richard E. Wagner, Public Debt: An Illusion of Democratic Political Economy." Public Choice 174(3-4) 2018: 407-409
"Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan and Liberal Political Economy: A Rational Reconstruction." Public Choice 173(1-2) 2017: 241-243
"Leonidas Zelmanovitz, The Ontology and Function of Money: The Philosophical Fundamentals of Monetary Institutions." Review of Austrian Economics 30(3) 2017: 397-400
"Alexander MacDonald, The Long Space Age: The Economic Origins of Space Exploration from Colonial America to the Cold War."
"Jason Brennan, Against Democracy." Public Choice 170(1) 2016: 171-173
"Richard E. Wagner, Politics as a Peculiar Business: Insights from a Theory of Entangled Political Economy." Public Choice 167(3) 2016: 291-293
"John S. Lewis, Asteroid Mining 101: Wealth for the New Space Economy." Independent Review, 20(3) 2016: 458-459
"Peter J. Boettke and Christopher J. Coyne (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics." Public Choice 165(1) 2015: 165-167
"Richard H. Timberlake, Constitutional Money: A Review of the Supreme Court's Monetary Decisions." Independent Review 20(1) 2015: 144-147
“David Emanuel Andersson and Stefano Moroni (eds.), Cities and Private Planning: Property Rights, Entrepreneurship, and Transaction Costs.” Public Choice 162(3) 2015: 467-469
"Marcus Nunes and Benjamin Cole, Market Monetarism: Roadmap to Economic Prosperity." Review of Austrian Economics 28(1) 2015: 107-113
"Cheryl Shondhardt-Bailey, Deliberating American Monetary Policy: A Textual Analysis." Public Choice 160(1) 2014: 283-286
Working Papers
"Rationality, Cognition, and Constraints." (with Bryan Cutsinger)
"Moral Suasion in 2 Clement and the Early Christian Church." (with David Crego)
"Moral Suasion in 2 Clement and the Early Christian Church." (with David Crego)